6-3-5 Brainwriting | Everything You Need To Know  in 2024

If you are looking for a way to generate more and better ideas in less time, let’s try 6-3-5 brainwriting. It is a simple but powerful method that can help you unleash your creativity and solve any problem. 

Sounds impressive, right? But how does it work, and what are the benefits of using it? In this article, we will explain the steps of the 6-3-5 brainwriting method. Right now, read on to discover more with us below! 

What Is 6-3-5 Brainwriting?

6-3-5 brainstorming is a form of group brainstorming involving writing down ideas instead of speaking them out loud. Basically, to begin with, you need to have enough 6 participants, each writing 3 ideas in 5 minutes. In other words, this method/game takes you around 30 minutes to create 108 ideas. 

Why Should You Use 6-3-5 Brainwriting Method?

Whenever you want to find more ideas for your business projects, 6-3-5 brainwriting technique will be a perfect solution. It allows you to generate a large number of ideas in a certain time. This puts each individual in a specific situation to encourage creativity effectively. 

Besides that, 6-3-5 brainwriting can enhance your teamwork ability and bring equal participation among all team members. As a result, this can restrict the domination of the conversations by huge-influenced members. 

How To Conduct 6-3-5 Brainwriting With 6 Simple Steps 
How To Conduct 6-3-5 Brainwriting With 6 Simple Steps | Source: wikipedia

How To Conduct 6-3-5 Brainwriting With 6 Simple Steps 

To help you use 6-3-5 technique effectively at both study and work, we have just prepared detailed instructions to run this framework well. In particular: 

Select a moderator

To begin with 6-3-5 brainwriting, you must appoint someone to be the moderator. He/she is who stays on track with all steps and rounds to complete the final brainstorming design. First, participants need to hand out copies of the 6-3-5 brainwriting template with fully-filled information, which is beneficial to know what needs to be attained.   

Decide on each round’s length 

In this part, give everyone a fair chance to share their brilliant ideas and feedback. This is especially effective in encouraging their creative vibe by rushing or dragging things out. However, always keep an eye on the clock if you don’t want to lose anyone’s attention. And, of course, the time limit is only 5 minutes. 

Begin round 1

With the best preparations, you can start the 6-3-5 brainwriting round immediately.  The moderator’s clock is ticking, and you have three spaces to fill with your awesome ideas for Round 1. Don’t worry about talking to anyone right now – just let your creativity flow.

Exchange worksheets

Time’s up! The moderator gathers all the brainwriting worksheets and shuffles them like a deck of cards. Then, he deals them out to everyone again. 

*Pro tip: Number the worksheets so you can mix them up better and prevent repeats.  

Round by round

Once again, the 6-3-5 brainwriting game is on! In each round, you have to come up with three more ideas. You can either think of something new or improve on what others have written on the worksheet. And don’t get too attached to your worksheet – you will have to pass it to someone else after each round. More importantly, try to avoid giving it to the same person twice. 

#6. Have a discussion 

It’s a wrap! The moderator takes back all the worksheets and shows you the amazing ideas that everyone came up with. Grab a whiteboard to see them all or, if you are online, check out some online brainwriting tools. With these platforms, you can easily use available brainwriting 6-3-5 online templates to get the finest results.

What Are The Differences Between Brainwriting And Brainstorming?   

Brainstorming is great. But it’s not for everyone. Some people are shy, slow, or even afraid of being judged. And some people just don’t get a chance to speak. 

That’s when you should use brainwriting. With this method, you don’t need to say so much. Instead, let’s write down your thoughts on a piece of paper and pass it on. This will not nearly you under the pressure of group thinking. And you will be amazed at what you and your team can come up with, which is much better than brainstorming in several situations. 

However, many users also call 6-3-5 brainwriting one of the leading brainstorming techniques. Thus, we think that there is no significant difference between these terms. It all depends on how to use them to generate your ideas. 


What is the 6-3-5 method of brainwriting?

With 6-3-5 brainwriting, you and your team can generate tons of ideas in minutes. Just write, pass, and build on what others have written. It’s that simple.

What is the 6-3-5 rule?

Regarding the 6-3-5 technique, you need to prepare the following things: 
Select a proper moderator to track the rounds 
Each participant writes down three ideas to complete each round
Continue round by round after 5 minutes 
Collect all results to get the final decision 

What is the 6x3x5 method?

In this creative technique, participants express their ideas through words, images, or icons on paper. After five minutes, they need to swap their sheets and build new ideas. This process repeats round by round for 30 minutes. 

What are the advantages of 6 3 5 method?

Indeed, the 6-3-5 method is more effective than other brainstorming techniques. It can prevent participants from conforming or feeling pressured by leaders as they generate ideas individually. Plus, it can foster innovation and variety effectively. 


Our blog has just reviewed 6-3-5 brainwriting, and guided how to use this method to inspire your ideas effectively. Keep in mind that it is important to pick a moderator and control each round’s timing. Have the best experience with brainwriting! 

Follow us for more brainstorming ideas and examples today!

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