Quiz What Major Should I Choose: An Amazing Test To Try 

Looking for quiz what major should I choose? You are about to make one of the most important decisions of your life: what to study in college. But it might be a challenge to someone who doesn’t know what they really like and want to do after graduation. Don’t worry, we’re here to help. 

In this article, we have created a quiz what major should I choose. With these questions, you will discover the major that matches your true passion and potential. 

Right now, let’s take a choosing a major quiz to make the best decision for this issue. 

Table of Contents

Why Should You Have A Quiz What Major Should I Choose?
Why Should You Have A Quiz What Major Should I Choose?

Why Should You Have A Quiz What Major Should I Choose?

The quiz what major should I choose is not like any other quiz you have taken before. It is based on reliable documents from renowned universities and researchers in the world. In this choose your major quiz, you will answer a series of questions about your skills, hobbies, goals, and values. It is a great chance to reach a final personalized report. 

From the collected results, you can easily weigh your opinions by pairing you with majors that match your unique abilities and skills. Remember to answer honestly and instinctively to get the best results. Normally, you need to pick a major quiz for at least 4 minutes to complete all assessment parts. 

In the blog today, we will introduce the quiz from U.S. News & Innate and Marquette University. Well, let’s find out more in the next section.

Detailed Questions Of Choosing A Major Quiz

#1. Innate Assessment

Innate Assessment offers you a quiz what major should I choose with a range of questions relating to “agree” or “disagree.” However, you need to answer depending on how strongly you disagree or agree with relevant statements. In this case, you will get familiar with the 5-Likert scale, including:

1 – Strongly disagree

2 – Disagree

3 – Neutral

4 – Agree

5 – Strongly agree 

Here are all the questions when choosing masters degree quiz from Innate Assessment. 

Question 1 – I have difficulty understanding abstract ideas

Question 2 – I seldom feel blue

Question 3 – I sympathize with others’ feelings

Question 4 – I don’t talk a lot 

Question 5 – I am the life of the party 

Question 6 – I am not interested in abstract ideas

Question 7 – I make a mess of things

Question 8 –  I get chores done right away

Question 9 – I am not interested in other people’s problems 

Question 10 – I often forget to put things back in their proper place

Question 11 – I am relaxed most of the time

Question 12 – I feel others’ emotions

Question 13 – I keep in the background 

Question 14 – I like order

Question 15 – I do not have a good imagination 

Question 16 – I am not really interested in others 

Question 17 – I talk to a lot of different people at parties

Question 18 – I have frequent mood swings

Question 19 – I have a vivid imagination

Question 20 –  I get upset easily 

Innate assessment results 
Innate assessment results 

After completing the 20 questions above, you can get the free assessment by U.S. News & Innate. It is ideal to have an in-depth understanding of yourself and your targeted major.   

#2. Marquette University Assessment

Marquette University quiz
Marquette University quiz

Regarding the quiz what major should I choose from Marquette University, you need to answer 10 multiple-choice questions in different situations. In particular: 

Question 1 – You’re packing your bag for another day of classes. What are you looking forward to most of all?

  1. Literature or Languages
  2. Science or Health
  3. Math
  4. History or Social Sciences
  5. Business Class or Off-Campus Internship

Question 2 – It’s the night before a big exam. What are you doing?

  1. Trying to figure out what’s most likely to be on the test
  2. Chatting with friends…and maybe doing a little studying in between
  3. Last-minute prep after a work shift
  4. Tutoring a friend
  5. Reviewing all of my notes into the wee hours

Question 3 – You just won a contest and get to invite anyone in the world to join you for a meal. Whose brain would you like to pick over lunch?

  1. The founder of a successful company
  2. A lead scientist on a groundbreaking project
  3. A philanthropist or key social justice figure
  4. A past or present world leader
  5. A talk show host or other television personality

Question 4 – After school, how would you prefer to spend your time?

  1. Volunteering in the community or tutoring a classmate
  2. Polishing my argument for the debate team
  3. Competing in Math League
  4. Rehearsing my lines for the school play
  5. At sports practice

Question 5 – You’re done with homework and you have some time to unwind. What do you do?

  1. Catch up on the news of the day.
  2. Make a new video for TikTok or my YouTube channel.
  3. Work on my new business ideas or update my profile on LinkedIn
  4. Play a video game. I will get to level 9!
  5. Reach out to a friend to see how they’re doing.

Question 6 – You’re brilliant and charming, of course, but your favorite teacher would also describe you as:

  1. Inquisitive
  2. Analytical
  3. Creative
  4. Compassionate
  5. Persuasive

Question 7 – Hey, we all have priorities. When it comes to your future career, you can’t wait to:

  1. Challenge myself intellectually
  2. Be surrounded by interesting people
  3. Help others and better my community
  4. Be my own boss and create something new
  5. Find new solutions to real-world problems 

Question 8 – Vacation time! Which of the following sounds like your dream trip?

  1. Soaking up the history, politics and culture in a city like Washington, D.C.
  2. An organized group trip to work alongside and learn from another community
  3. Going to a camp or workshop where you can learn something ne
  4. Backpacking across Europe with friends
  5. Camping and spending some time taking in the great outdoors

Question 9 – It’s movie night. What are you most likely to watch?

  1. A sci-fi flick
  2. A comedy
  3. A thought-provoking drama or documentary
  4. A quirky independent film
  5. Whatever’s tops at the box office. I want to know what everyone else is talking about

Question 10 – Would you rather work in:

  1. Sales
  2. Another aspect of the business world 

After clicking SUBMIT, you will get the final results for your performance under a short report. Also, Marquette University suggests majors that match your personality. 

Marquette University assessment results
Marquette University assessment results

FAQs – Quiz What Major Should I Choose

How do I know which major is right for me?

In this situation, you can ask yourself several questions, such as:
What do you excel in?
What are you really into
What is your biggest dream?
What are your strengths and weaknesses? 

How do I figure out what I want to major in?

To choose the right major, you can consider some of the following ways:
Talk to your advisor or mentor to learn more about how to select a degree option
Explore your in-reality interests
Consider major-relating concerns like cost, salary expectations, or career possibilities

What is the least picked major?

With this question, we will list the 5 least common majors in our current world. They include precision production, library science, communication technologies, legal professionals and studies, and theory and religious vocations.    

How do I choose my major wisely?

If you want to select a major wisely, don’t miss our useful tips, including:
Determine your interests and passions
Evaluate your strengths and weakness
List and assess potential jobs 
Take online quizzes to get a personalized report
Evaluate all concerns again and register for a proper major 


Our blog has just introduced a quiz what major should I choose with the 2 most common versions, namely Innate and Marquette University Assessment. You can pick any option to have a personalized report, as well as determine a proper major for yourself.

Follow brainstormingidea.com to grab more tips for fun brainstorming sessions!

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